Hello readers of Nancy Tells All…

When I used to write weekly, I wanted each piece to be a well thought out, meaningful, mind-stretching masterpiece. In hindsight, perhaps that’s why I’ve been on such a long hiatus. I was holding myself to such a high standard, that I needed to take a break.

While on hiatus I’ve continued to have thoughts and questions that ruminate, and many times I’ve wanted to write about them but haven’t. I think I didn’t want to just serve up some food for thought without creating and presenting a four-course feast.

So, for a change, the special of the day is a short but sweet concoction of thoughts from today that I hope will whet your appetite, or at least your desire to self-reflect.

I sit at this moment in the deep south, in Alabama. I am at my BFF’s for a week to work on resurrecting a show we did some years ago. We actually have a paid gig approaching in a few months and we are rewriting and re-working our musical sketch comedy, “Shtick Happens!” As we have begun this process once again, it occurred to me how things have changed and how we have grown. Which led me to (over) think; is there a difference between growing and changing?

Is it possible for someone to grow, and not have to necessarily change?

I think we are all too quick to say that anyone of a certain age is too old to change. If that is true, does that mean we stop growing as we get older??

I truly hope not. Ok, there may be truth in the belief that those of ‘mature’ age, are who they are, they’re set in their ways, and will not change; blah blah blah. However, I would hope that does not mean we stop growing. We can always grow and learn from one another if we want or choose to do so.

If we don’t grow as a person, even later in life, we may as well hop into the casket and have them turn the crank six feet down.

Anyone can grow. Anyone can learn. This is a choice. To say we’re too old is a cop-out. To say we’re too old is letting fear win and robbing us of experiencing pure joy in love, in doing what we’re truly passionate about, and in what is left of our life.

So, for those who are either afraid of change, or think they cannot, how about looking at it as growth, and then perhaps it doesn’t sound so impossible or scary. Just some food for thought.


“Though it’s safer to stay on the ground,

Sometimes where danger lies

There the sweetest of pleasures are found.” (from the movie Yentl)





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