Equal rights8

©Michael Pliskin and Nancy Lang

To know what you prefer
instead of humbly saying Amen
to what he world tells you
you ought to prefer,

is to have kept your soul alive.
– Robert Louis Stevenson

I’d say, that Mr. Stevenson who lived back in the 1800s, was not only way ahead of his time, but way ahead of many people in more recent times. We have been told what and whom we ought to prefer for years. Not that long ago, black and white children couldn’t play in the same sandbox, swim in the same pool, sit together on a bus, or drink from the same water fountain. People of color didn’t have the same rights and freedoms as white people, and interracial marriage was not legal in the U.S. until the late 1960s.

 “When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?” — Pete Seeger

And if it’s true that we learned everything we know in kindergarten, then why, pray tell, are we not treating everyone equally in the sandbox?? And do we really care if Suzy plays with Debbie instead of Johnny?

At our Passover Seder we were discussing the definition of freedom and what it means. We talked about how there are still many places where people are not free to live life the way they choose. How is it that, in most of the United States of America (the land of the free and the home of the brave), people are not allowed the freedom to love whom they choose to love, and be able to make that official?

Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish? Nothing else.” — Epictetus

Many politicians believe that homosexual behavior is sinful. (I suppose the adultery well that they dip their stick in, is an acceptable form of sin?). If we are taught to love and accept each other, and even Jesus said we shouldn’t judge one another, then why and how, is it a problem for people of the same sex to marry, and to have the same benefits that a married man and a woman have?

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” –Paul the Apostle

If two people love each other, why should their gender make a difference? Times have changed since the Bible was written. In ancient Israel men were required to take a dead brother’s wife and make heirs with her. A master could buy women for his slaves to marry, and then keep them after letting the slaves go.

Yes, times have changed, and the church has changed its mind along with culture–for example issues regarding slavery, women being silent, and men’s hair length. So much of what was written then is no longer relevant, and is also left to much interpretation. For instance, God was evidently fine with polygamy, so couldn’t that be interpreted to mean that the union of man and woman is not the only marriage God will bless?

LIVE AND LET LIVE …who knew this was a Yiddish proverb?! It seems to me that if the origin of this quote comes from the roots of Judaism, then why do the very religious condemn people of the same sex for loving each other? If all of the very religious are living in the name of God, then why do they not let people love whomever they want to love without judgment?

We may not understand or agree with those who live a religious life where arranged marriages still happen and such rules as wearing wigs and head coverings are followed. And they may not understand why some secular people choose to live together before marriage. Neither way of life should be judged, especially by justifying it in the name of God.

We’ve come so far since the 1800s, and even since the 1960s. To be dictating whom we can love or marry seems to be a huge step backward. If some people believe that same sex marriage is wrong, they are entitled to their opinion but should not stand in judgment. I’m certainly no expert, but it seems to me that God would not want us doing things ‘in the name of God’ that hurts, kills or judges other people.

So, I ask, in the name of God, can we please follow the golden (biblical) rule, and just learn to live and let live?!


If you have any thoughts you’d like to share, please click on comments and submit!






  1. elaine says:

    Fantastic article! AMEN! Live and let live! Do unto others! We have all learned this early on and too many people either forget it or decide to ignore it! Life is short, and people should be able to live their lives with free choice, liberty, happiness, and respect! There are too many things that can befall us in life like poor health, accidents, etc. Let’s start with at least respect from our fellow man! Let’s support each other in this life!

  2. hula honey says:

    Right on Nancy!!!

  3. Howard says:

    Nancy’s piece is excellently written and superbly thought through. I thoroughly agree with her comments and concepts.
    What is intriguing to me is it seems that the most “religious” among us–be they Christian, Jewish or Muslim– tend to be the most bigoted. We are alleged to be God’s children, not just some of us.

  4. Rachel says:

    I love this.. so well written.

  5. Nancy says:

    Well said, Nancy….

  6. Matthew says:

    So well written!

    Going beyond religion…in the US we are taught that we have UNALIENABLE rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Being with the person you love falls under the unalienable umbrella. Thank you for bringing reason to the most ridiculous issue in this country right now. I appreciate the way you live your life, and I appreciate how you have taught your kids to live theirs.

    No one deserves to have their rights taken away.

  7. Jennifer says:

    This is very well said! I appreciate your also quoting from the bible, as this is what often happens with the LGBT population. We are yelled bible verses at us, and told we are going to hell. I really enjoyed your discussing the fact that there are hypocrites in our political and justice system that choose what is right and wrong, however bend the rules for themselves. Let’s take for instance the following: in my religion we go to church to find and peace and love in God. We consider that “God’s house”. We are going to see him, talk to him, visit with him. The minute I walk out the door and get into the church parking lot, people are cutting off others with their cars, yelling and honking their horns at each other to “hurry up”. This always leaves me in awe. That said, I wish all our kids could play equally in all sandboxes- very well said! And, I wish people would quit cutting each other off in the church parking lot!

  8. Tonto says:

    Beautifully expressed. This country was founded on the principles of equality for all. it is amazing that it has taken us 237 years to realize that all really means ALL! Thanks for putting it into historical context. And why is it that it is always the hypocritical politicians and the people who claim to be “the most religious” among us who are the ones always fighting equality the most?

    And I LOVE the graphic you used!


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